Teamwork: Vision Clarity

The mind map for the Teamwork: Vision Clarity can be seen online here:

Welcome to the Teamwork: Vision Clarity presentation.

When you entered the room, you probably noticed that all departments are attending, and each divisional team is seated at their own table. At each table there is a color coded chess board complete with pieces. To begin the presentation, I would like for everyone who is familiar with or has played the game of chess to raise their hand; please take note of the experienced chess players on your team.

Business in general shares some basic similarities with the game of chess. Knowing how each piece moves and how to plan ahead for your competitor's moves will help lead you to victory.

However, you can't win, if you don't play!

While chess is fundamentally an individual intellectual challenge; business is a collaborative challenge where teamwork is required. 

This step by step activity is designed to lead the team to a clear organizational vision, which will enable us to successfully achieve all of our collective goals.

Cynthia Crawford will be the leader of each of the collective group discussions. Once the debate, discussions and presentations are completed, she will document the agreed upon strategies and processes.


 What is our goal?
 Teamwork Vision Clarity, Teamwork Agenda, Establishing the Vision and Collaborative Debate

The yellow chess pieces symbolize passion and idealism.

The goal for each team is to establish a vision that will generate passion and enthusiasm! Team debates might get a bit rowdy during this activity, as we endeavor to develop consensus and clarity about the organizational vision.

Once the individual teams have debated the basic tenants of the vision, the team kings will announce their vision to the group. Another debate will ensue to decide upon the two best submissions.
If consensus is not complete within 30 minutes, there will be a vote!


Topics: Understand Present and desired states,
Describe what you see and hear presently and describe what you see and hear in desired states.

The white chess pieces symbolize simplicity and humility.

Teams that are open and honest are better able to weigh risks and rewards honestly for actual, present and desired states.  To achieve clarity within the vision, each team will be required to communicate effectively as a group.

In this step, it is critical that you listen to one another, and complete a list that evidences the present and desired states of the desired organizational structure.


Topics: Define supportive and non-supportive relationships, Identify those who resist change and those who promote change, Find common ground and Identify acceptable change management strategies.

The black chess pieces symbolize power and style.

Once the vision has been created, with the present and desired states identified, along with  evidence provided to establish each state, an investigation into who is resisting or promoting change should ensue.

Power struggles between those who have differing styles and ideas will be minimized by establishing consensus on common ground ideas, then identifying acceptable change management strategies as a team.


Topics: Define stakeholder relationships, Assess team members individually, Knowledge and understanding, Time management and balance, Motivation and commitment and Skills and abilities.

The blue chess pieces symbolize loyalty and confidence.

Understanding one another and how each team member fits within the team can help foster loyalty and confidence.

At this step individuals on each team will be assessed for their:
a) knowledge and understanding of the vision
b) time management skills, ability to complete vision requirements in a timely manner
c) motivation and commitment to execute the vision
d) skills and abilities necessary to achieve vision clarity


Topics: Knowledge Management, Accountability Parameters, Chess Move Strategies, and Review

The brown chess pieces symbolize reliability and endurance.

Reliability and endurance requires patience and promise.
Initially, each team will identify the vision, clarify present and desired states, achieve situational awareness and assess the stakeholder relationships involved. This will be followed by the development of knowledge management strategies, accountability factors and review capabilities.

At this time, it is important to discuss the chess pieces.
A quick power point to show how each chess piece moves will be presented.

This will give everyone a stress break and give the teams time to think about the upcoming plan of action and prioritization matrix, which will conclude this week's meeting.  Next week we will consider the implementation surrounding Teamwork: Vision Clarity.


Topics: Plan of Action, Document Activities, Consider Actions, Prioritize Actions and Measure Effects

The red chess pieces symbolize passion and energy.

Hopefully after you have viewed the power point presentation concerning the different ways that each chess piece can move, you will be filled with passion and energy for bringing the teamwork vision clarity to fruition.  An important part of understanding chess strategy is the awareness that each chess piece can only move in certain ways.

Teamwork is much like this.  Each member has a specific responsibility, but there are boundaries that must not be crossed and moves that cannot be made. 

Implementing the vision will require each team member to document independent and team activities. Participants will also need to consider time management strategies in order to help the team to meet important milestones and deadlines. Actions will need to be prioritized and the effects of the actions will need to be measured and documented sequentially and ongoing until the vision clarity project has been completed.  

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